Diversity Menaces France

Rioting continues in cities across France, as Third World immigrants and their descendants loot, burn, and pillage. French elites and their media friends have fanciful explanations as to why this is happening, all the while avoiding the most obvious explanation: Mass immigration and multiculturalism simply don’t work. Diversity on such a scale isn’t strength, as its propagandists claim; it is a policy of social disintegration.

French President Emmanuel Macron is a globalist who supports mass immigration. His indifference to the nation of France is evident in his statement that France has no culture except for its “diversity.” In the last French election the French people had the choice between Macron and immigration restrictionist Marianne Le Pen.

Sadly, they chose Macron, even though polls show that a majority French people believe that the country has too many immigrants. Macron won because the French media depicted Le Pen as a “racist” and “xenophobe”– terms of abuse that the media in virtually all western countries use to slander proponents of reasonable immigration policies.

Will the current riots and mayhem cause France finally to wake up? It’s hard to say. One thing for certain is that the perils of diversity will escalate in France if her people continue to ignore them.

Read more at breitbart.com


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