Immigration Patriots Gain in Austria

Austria's anti-mass immigration party, the Freedom Party, gained ground in the first round of the presidential elections, winning 36.7 percent of the vote. This is the best ever result for the party at the federal level.

House Members Denounce Statement of IRS Chief

House Republicans reacted strongly against the statement of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen that his agency doesn't care that illegal aliens are using fraudulent Social Security numbers on tax returns. Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) replied to Koskinen,"What I find absolutely outrageous is your suggestion that when it comes to illegal immigrants, the IRS couldn't really be bothered when it comes to these folks stealing Americans' Social Security numbers." Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX) said Koskinen's statements were "alarming."

80% of Illegal Alien Minors Placed in Care of Other Illegals

Eighty percent of the unaccompanied minors caught illegally entering the U.S. in recent months have been placed by the Obama administration in the care...

The Globe Endorses Obama as Dictator

The case, filed by Texas and 25 other states, challenges President Obama’s 2014 executive order that would have allowed some unauthorized immigrants to apply...

Intel Laying Off Workers after Claiming Worker Shortage

The tech company Intel is planning to lay off 12,000 workers. In recent years it has claimed that there are not enough qualified Americans to fill its job openings. Intel is among the top 15 companies importing foreign workers under the H-1B visa program.

Sheriff: Out of Control Border Jeopardizes Security

In testimony before Congress, Sheriff Charles Jenkins of Frederick County, Maryland, stated what without a secure border, every county in the United States will become a "border county." Said Jenkins, "Open borders, reckless sanctuary policies, and failure to enforce our immigration laws have greatly impacted public safety and national security throughout every jurisdiction of this country. Every single day, more Americans are becoming victims of senseless crimes, being injured and killed by criminal aliens, many are transnational gang members.”

IRS Chief: OK for Illegals to Use Fraudulent SS Numbers

In response to questioning by Sen. Dan Coates (R-IN), IRS Commissioner John Koskinen admitted that the IRS will not take any action against illegal aliens who file tax returns with fraudulent Social Security numbers. Coates stated, "What we learned is that . . . the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns . . . . We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number. . . ."

Tennessee Moves to Sue Feds on Refugees

The Tennessee General Assembly is moving to sue the Obama Administration over its policies to force refugee resettlement in Tennessee. The sponsor of this action in the House is Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver (R-Lancaster) who stated, "As [it] is moving forward, other states will read our actions. I am pleased that seventy-four of my colleagues believe wholeheartedly that Tennessee is responsible for asserting our state’s sovereignty rights under the Tenth Amendment. “We have seen unprecedented federal overreach during the Obama administration. We need clarity and definition concerning the relationship between the federal government and our state when it comes to appropriations to pay for the federal Refugee Resettlement Program.”

European Media Suppress Truth about Migration

A report by the Christian Broadcasting Network reveals that the media in Europe are suppressing news of the crime and other problems caused by the recent flood of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa. Said the report, "The Left's mantra has been 'no walls, no borders.' But many Europeans now realize they were sold a bill of goods about open borders and immigration by the political and media class."

Media Elites Plot Propaganda Campaign

Media elites such as Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg have created the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE) to encourage cities to promote mass immigration. According to WorldNetDaily columnist Leo Hohmann, "The grants [from PNAE] are to be used primarily for 'educating' the public on the merits of expanded immigration. PNAE works with the George Soros-funded groups National Immigration Forum and Welcoming America to educate Americans about the wonders of mass immigration. They say it creates economic growth and vitality and the more immigrants and refugees that flow into a city, state or county the more prosperity they can expect to enjoy."