Two-Thirds of Germans Oppose Merkel Policy

Sixty-five percent of Germans say they are not satisfied by with Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy of welcoming mass migration to Germany from the Middle East and Africa. Only 34 percent support that policy. Merkel says she will not change her position.

Tancredo: Paul Ryan is Illegal Immigration Enabler

Wednesday, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, a national leader in the effort to stop illegal immigration, went to Wisconsin to expose Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)...

Big Business Begins New Push for Amnesty & Increases in Foreign Workers

"Reason for Reform" is the new front group of the cheap labor interests that hope to pass legislation early in 2017 giving amnesty to...

Media Hide Khan Background

Khir Khan drew great attention at the Democratic convention by speaking against proposals to limit Muslim immigration to the U.S. He stirred great emotion by referencing the death of his serviceman son in Iraq. In reporting on Khan, the media generally failed to reveal that Khan is an immigration lawyer who makes money helping Muslim immigrants come to the U.S. In what appeared to be an effort to conceal this association, he deleted his firm's website from the Internet.

German Patriots Protest Merkel

As many as 10,000 patriotic Germans gathered in Berlin to protest the immigration policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and call for her resignation. Despite terrorist attacks in Germany and many crimes by recent migrants, Merkel adamantly refuses to change her commitment to massive migration.

Poll: Americans Want Less Immigration

A poll conducted by Gravis Marketing in conjunction with Breitbart News Network found that 63 percent of voters think that immigration should be reduced, as opposed to only 11 percent who think it should increase.

Dems Go All-In for Open Borders

The first night of the Democratic National Convention highlighted illegal aliens ("immigrants" or "New Americans" in Dem-speak) who addressed the crowd in Spanish. Pandering...

Border Patrol Union: Hillary’s Amnesty Plan Endangers USA

The National Border Patrol Council Thursday warned that Hillary Clinton's open borders/amnesty plans would aid Islamic terrorists and drug cartels invading America.  In a...

EU Chief: Mass Migration No Matter What

Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the executive branch of the European Union, says that rising problems with terrorism and immigration should not deter the EU's commitment to open borders and acceptance of migration from outside Europe.

Kaine Promises Amnesty Legislation

Vice-presidential Democratic candidate Tim Kaine told the Spanish-language network Telemundo promised that a Clinton administration would push legislation within “the first 100 days” to give amnesty to illegal aliens. He predicted that Republican House Speaker Paul D. Ryan would assist the Democrats in this task.