DOJ Will Sue Company for Discrimination

The Department of Justice announced that it will sue Crop Production Services, Inc. for discriminating against American workers by using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers. In a statement announcing the lawsuit, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared "In the spirit of President Trump's Executive Order on Buy American and Hire American, the Justice Department will not tolerate employers who discriminate against U.S. workers because of a desire to hire temporary visa holders. "The Justice Department will enforce the Immigration and Nationality Act in order to protect U.S. workers as they are the very backbone of our communities and our economy. Where there is a job available, U.S. workers should have a chance at it before we bring in workers from abroad."

CA Bill Violates Federal Authority

The bill passed by California's Legislature making that state a sanctuary state, violates federal authority over immigration policy, says a recent article from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Along with preventing cooperation between public agencies and federal law enforcement, the bill also imposes legally questionable restrictions on private employers. California Gov. Jerry Brown has not yet signed the measure into law, but he is expected to do so. 

Billionaires Push Amnesty

Billionaires Rupert Murdoch and former New York Mayor Michel Bloomberg have endorsed the amnesty legislation proposed by Sen.James Lankford (R-OK) and Sen. Thom Tillis...

Chain Policy Pushes Immigration

Chain migration is the policy that pushes mass immigration. Under it, family connections rather than skills are the basis for most immigrants coming to the United States. An immigrant who comes to the U.S. can petition to bring in his extended family members who in turn can bring in their extended family -- and on and on in a seemingly unending chain. A study by the Center for Immigration Studies found that each legal immigrant, on average, sponsors three additional immigrants. Mexican immigrants, on average, sponsor six. If Congress passes an amnesty for illegal aliens in the DACA category, they will be able to initiate chains of immigration. Passage of the RAISE Act, sponsored by Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR), would mitigate this reward for their lawbreaking by sharply cutting the migration chains.  

White House Insiders Try to Sabotage Trump’s Immigration Reforms

President Trump's Domestic Policy Council has drafted a pro-American immigration reform strategy, but it is already being undermined by cheap labor Republicans -- some...

Trump to Cut Refugees

President Trump has decided to limit admissions of refugees to the U.S. next year to no more than 45,000. This will be the lowest level of refugee admissions since 1980. Immigration reformers say that this reduction is long overdue. Among other reasons, it is much more cost effective to resettle refugees in countries near their homelands than bringing them to the United States.   

Chamber of Commerce Urges Amnesty

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to the Trump Administration demanding speedy passage of amnesty for the 800,000 illegal aliens in the DACA category. The letter makes no mention of reform to prevent those amnestied aliens from bringing in chains of their relatives. Nor does it endorse measures to prevent illegal immigration in the future. The Chamber commonly lobbies on behalf of businesses seeking cheap labor.

Sessions Denounces Sanctuaries

Attorney General Jeff Sessions criticized Portland, Oregon, and other sanctuary cities for "believing they are above the law." By their refusal to cooperate with federal immigration authorities to remove illegal alien criminals, said Sessions, police in these cities "may be forced to release pedophiles, rapists, murderers, drug dealers and arsonists back into communities where they had no right to be in the first place. He added that "They should, according to law and common sense, be processed and deported." The attorney general also defended the Trump Administration's proposal to cut selected federal grants to sanctuary cities.

California Declares Sanctuary

The California Legislature has proclaimed California a sanctuary state for illegal aliens. With passage of legislation entitled the "California Values Act," the Legislature declared that state and local law enforcement agencies in the state cannot, in most instances, cooperate with the federal government to enforce immigration laws. California Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign the measure into law. A supporter of the legislation, Democratic Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula declared that "This bill today helps some of believe that California is a safe place for immigrants, that we are a Golden State." Arambula is the grandson of illegal aliens who settled in California.

Sen. Cotton: Protect U.S. Workers

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) says there can be no deal on passing the DACA amnesty for illegal aliens without concessions which protect American workers. Specifically, he said, this means ending chain migration which allows immigrants to bring in family members who in turn bring in their family members--and on and on. This policy fuels mass immigration, which in turn floods U.S. labor markets. Cotton said that President Trump agrees with this view and will not accept a deal unless it protects "the interest of American workers."