Pelosi Praises Illegal Aliens

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi endorsed the Dream Act amnesty which would legalize 3.25 million illegal aliens.  Of these people Pelosi stated, "They embody the best of our nation: patriotism, hard work, perseverance." She didn't explain how breaking the laws of our country makes them patriotic and the best of our nation.

More Than 4.5 Million Anchor Babies in U.S.

There are an estimated 4.5 million United States-born children (under age 18) of illegal alien parents  who have been given "birthright citizenship."  There are...

Report: 21% of Federal Prisoners Foreign-Born

A report released Thursday by the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security found that more than one in five of all persons in Bureau of...

House Members Plot Amnesty

A group of House Republicans are working with Democrats to pass an amnesty for as many as 3.5 million illegal aliens. They want this a "stand alone" bill without any compromises such as an end to end chain migration or mandatory use of the E-Verify system by businesses to deter hiring of illegal aliens.

EU: Europe Must Accept Migration Conquest

Dimitris Avramopoulos, a European Union bureaucrat, has proclaimed that Europe must accept mass migration from Third World countries. Avramopoulos is the EU's commissioner for...

Trump: End Chain Migration

President Trump called for a an end to chain migration, the policy of allowing immigrants to bring in their relatives who in turn bring in their relatives -- in an ongoing chain. The president stated, "Because these individuals are admitted solely on the basis of family ties -- not skill not merit -- most of this immigration is lower skill, putting great strain on federal welfare. And because there is no real selection criteria, the current system is totally incompatible with national security."

CBO: DACA Amnesty Would Cost Taxpayers $26 Billion

Giving amnesty to the illegal aliens covered by President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would cost American taxpayers $26 billion, according to...

Illegal Immigration Surges Again

Illegal immigration across the Mexican border declined for a number of months after President Trump took office. But recently it has begun to rise again. The Border Patrol apprehended 40,000 illegals along the border in November, a twelve percent increase from October. The recent level is more than twice what it was in March and April. Many observers contend that the numbers went down because potential border crossers believed that the president's strong rhetoric against illegal immigration would bring new effective laws to stop it. As that has not happened yet, the watchers south of the border have become emboldened again.  

Murkowski Backs Dream Act

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R) endorsed the Dream Act amnesty which would provide legal status for three million illegal aliens. Once legalized they could petition to bring in their relatives. Without specifying whether she meant legal or illegal, Murkowski stated, "America is a land of immigrants--it is who we are." Mark Kirkorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies replied to her comment: " 'America is a land of immigrants -- it is who we are.' This is Obama-lite nonsense--politicians don't tell us who we are. We just hire [politicians] to look after our interests. If you take Murkowski' ramblings seriously, she seems to think Americans are pathetic losers who need immigrants to function. This kind of silly blather is so cliched it might have been generated by a computer program."

White House Responds to Terror Attack

The recent terror attack in New York City prompted the White House to issue a statement: "This attack with the president on immigration reforms that enhance our nation security and public safety. We must protect our borders, we must ensure that individuals entering our country are not coming to do harm to our people, and we must move to a merit-based system of immigration."