Cat and Mouse at the Border: Outnumbered Agents Chase Migrants

Fox News this morning is showing a video taken yesterday of hapless Border Patrol agents chasing a group of about 40 illegal border crossers near La Joya, Texas, in the Rio Grande Valley. Badly outnumbered–one agent in a truck, another on foot–the agents chase the migrants across a field, down a road, through a stream, and over a fence. Ultimately, about half the group are captured, the other half getting away.

The runaway group appeared to be composed largely in young men, and as such if captured would be subject to immediate return to Mexico under CDC Title 42.

Under current policy, however, families with minor children, are not subject to Title 42 protocols, and can give themselves up without fear of being returned. That’s what a group of 53, consisting primarily of Romanians and Venezuelans, did elsewhere near La Joya at about the same time. Agents took them into custody and began the usual care, feeding, and babysitting policy demands.

Fox News interviewed Texas Governor Greg Abbot, who said he was sending additional state officers to the border to assist the CBP.

For more, see Fox News.


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