Border Walls Are Proper and Useful

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

The question sounds ludicrous, but how else would you characterize Biden’s latest pronouncement to build 20 new miles of Trump’s border wall along the southern border? This is like throwing red meat to Trump’s base, who will chomp and salivate over what they will portray as an admission of defeat by the Democrats on securing the border. . . .

Now, the government is poised to spend nearly $200m on 20 miles of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley. The administration says it has been forced into this situation because Congress appropriated $1.375bn for such border barriers in 2019, and the funds that remain must be disbursed by the end of the fiscal year. . . . For one thing, the border wall – what Trump called the “Rolls-Royce” of barriers – doesn’t even work. According to the Washington Post, the US Customs and Border Protection’s own records show that the wall has been breached more than 3,000 times, as it is easily hacked open by common power tools. And you know what else can breach a 30ft wall? A ladder. Smugglers also routinely hoist people over the wall and lower them down the other side with ropes. The Democratic Texas congressman Henry Cuellar was right when he said: “A border wall is a 14th-century solution to a 21st-century problem. . . .

This terrible new wall also represents a humanitarian failure from this administration. No serious person disputes that the numbers of people seeking refuge at the border is immense and that solving this issue constitutes a significant challenge to the government. But if we want to consider ourselves as a fair, just and humane society, the solution to this issue must also be fair, just and humane.. . . .

This is not just bad policy. It’s bad politics, needlessly self-destructive at a time when the Republicans are willfully self-destructive. Such a policy certainly won’t win them more votes or get them re-elected. Rather, it’s like the Democrats are feeding their own flesh to Trump and his supporters, and asking us to watch the feast, proving that sometimes we truly are our own worst enemies. – Why Is Joe Biden Campaigning for Donald Trump, Moustafa Bayoumi, The Guardian, 10.6/23 [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: The Guardian is a far-left newspaper in Great Britain which cheerleads for mass immigration in Europe. In this article, Moustafa Bayoumi has generously offered his advice as to what we Americans should be doing with our border. He really seemed outraged that we would be so brazen as to want a wall to protect our border. Well, he can relax now because it was all a false alarm. The Biden administration did a turnabout and decided not to build the wall after all.

In the words of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: “I want to address today’s reporting relating to a border wall and be absolutely clear. There is no new Administration policy with respect to border walls. From day one, this administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer. That remains our position and our position has never wavered. The language in the Federal Register notice is being taken out of context and it does not signify any change in policy whatsoever.” This retraction hardly comes as surprise because it’s difficult to imagine the Biden Administration really doing anything about illegal immigration.

According to Bayoumi, a border wall represents a “humanitarian failure.” And just how are we morally “failing” when we try to protect our border and discourage crossing by uninvited people? One suspects that people who make such claims really don’t believe in borders at all.

In any case, Bayoumi goes on to claim that walls, along with being immoral, are also impractical. Supposedly, it only takes a ladder to defeat them. There’s some truth in this claim, but only some. Walls by themselves are not effective, but they can be quite useful in conjunction with other security measures. If nothing else, walls can break the momentum of the masses surging across the border—and thereby make it easier for Border Patrol agents to make arrests. This, of course, assumes that they have the authorization to do their jobs and carry out deportations. Unfortunately, that authorization is sorely lacking under the Biden Administration.

Open border advocates like Mr. Bayoumi can take it easy and rest assured that Biden’s commitment to their cause will not change or falter.


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