8,500 Afghans Land in Philadelphia

The City of Brotherly Love is about to have its brotherliness tested, given that the Biden administration within the past two weeks has dumped more than 8,500 Afghanis on it.

Philadelphia International Airport, along with Dulles International Airport, are two entry points selected for Afghan refugees who have not yet been processed for immigration. Dulles so far has received about 14,000. Overall, the government says more than 31,000 evacuees arrived in the U.S. between August 17 and 31.

The time spent by the Afghans in Philadelphia and the Washington area is supposed to be brief, as the next phase in their absorption into American life will be temporary relocation to one of various military installations, including Fort Bliss in Texas, Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, Fort Dix in New Jersey, Fort Lee in Virginia, Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, and Camp Atterbury in Indiana. Eventually, the newly adopted Afghan-Americans–officially predicted to number 95,000–will be resettled somewhere in America, most probably in red states.

Initially, $6.4 billion has been requested of Congress to pay for all this, though the bill is expected to grow. Writes John Binder of Breitbart News:

Refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years, according to research, and each refugee costs taxpayers about $133,000 over the course of their lifetime.

Each Afghani will receive $1,200 per month for their first three months here, after which they are optimistically expected to be self-sufficient. As Binder notes, however, an estimated 16 percent of all refugees continue to need financial assistance even after five years.

As an aside, it is estimated that at any given time, more than a half million Americans are homeless. Yet here we are importing at least 95,000 new wards. Welcome to America, where dementia reigns.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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