Biden Isn’t Following Trump’s Agenda

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“The Biden administration announced Tuesday a new proposal that could block tens of thousands of people arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border from claiming asylum.

“The 153-page proposed regulation is the most restrictive policy yet by the president’s administration to bar unauthorized crossings and echoes Trump-era immigration policies. Although there are some exceptions, the proposed rule presumes that migrants are ineligible for asylum if they entered the U.S. unlawfully. Among the new rules being considered is the introduction of a fast-track deportation process known as ‘expedited removal.’ Migrants who do not schedule an appointment at a U.S. border port of entry or request protection from another country while traveling to the United States would be at risk for this rapid deportation.

“The measure has been opened for 30 days of public comment before being reviewed for final publication. The policy would take effect May 11 in ‘anticipation of a potential surge of migration at the southwest border’ following the expiration of Title 42, the rule implemented during the Trump administration that used the pandemic as justification to deport asylum seekers without a hearing. The new policy would then remain for two years.

“Although President Joe Biden campaigned on promises to erase the imprint Donald Trump left on the U.S. immigration system, many say that they have yet to see any real change. . . . ‘The Biden administration ’s proposed rule would send asylum seekers back to danger, separate families, and cost lives, as human rights advocates have been asserting for weeks,'” Jane Bentrott, counsel at Justice Action Center, an immigrant rights nonprofit, told the New York Times.

“’It is in direct contravention of President Biden’s campaign promises to reverse Trump’s racist, xenophobic immigration policies, and give all folks seeking safety a fair shot at asylum,” she added.” — Biden Restricts Asylum Access After Vowing to Reverse Trump Immigration Policies, Charisma Madarang, Yahoo!news, 2/21/23 [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: Illegal alien advocates are all in a dither about the Biden Administration supposed reinstatement of former President Trump’s border control policies. They needn’t worry. The administration is simply deploying a smokescreen to hide its unwavering commitment to virtually open borders. The recent record-level surges of illegal aliens across our southern border have been a political embarrassment for President Biden and his government.

Because they never want to stop those surges, they are attempting to change the way the public perceives them. One of the administration’s tactics is misusing the law that allows “parole” for foreigners. It was written to permit their admission on a limited,-one-by-one basis. The administration now misuses parole by arbitrarily inflating it to cover large numbers of illegal aliens. Thus, they will become “legal” and no longer counted in the total of illegal aliens crossing the border. With this statistical sleight-of-hand accomplished, Biden can claim to have reduced illegal immigration.

The second deception is the administration’s announced intention to deny asylum to migrants who have passed through other countries to reach the U.S. This was a reasonable Trump Administration policy to stem the flow of illegal aliens who make bogus asylum claims. Illegal alien advocates encourage these claims as a means to overwhelm immigration law enforcement with processing and paperwork. The Trump policy held that migrants who passed through other countries before reaching the U.S. could have applied for asylum there. Hence, their real aim was not finding a haven from persecution, the basis for amnesty, but for other reasons—most likely the economic benefits of living in the U.S.

The deception involved in Biden’s supposed endorsement of Trump’s policy lies in the loopholes. Specifically, the Biden plan offers exceptions wide enough to render it ineffective. One is that none of the aliens in the parole category are subject to having to apply for asylum in other countries. Aliens seeking asylum at our ports of entry also are exempt, as are unaccompanied children.

Biden’s deception recalls a similar ruse by former President Barack Obama. He wanted to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens, but to do so he had to give the impression that the border was being secured. For that purpose, his administration cooked the statistical books to show that it was deporting far more illegal aliens than it really was. Many illegal alien advocates didn’t understand what was going on, and angrily denounced Obama as the “deporter-in-chief.” Later he had an online discussion with some journalists to reassure them that the deportation figures were “a little deceptive.” Maybe Joe Biden will follow that example and clue in some of his current critics.



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