They’re Not Patriotic

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“Last month, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed a bill into law to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain state-issued drivers’ licenses. When the legislation goes into effect on October 1st, Minnesota will be the 19th state to enact this policy, along with Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. With a driver’s license, age-eligible immigrants in Minnesota — no matter their immigration status — will have the freedom to drive their children to school, pick up groceries, commute to work and visit a doctor’s office without the fear of losing their car, getting detained or paying heavy fines. Like all drivers in Minnesota, recipients will be required to obtain insurance and pass a written test and a road test.

“Advocates and elected officials in other states, including Idaho, Wisconsin, Texas, , have indicated interest in organizing around similar legislation to provide state-issued licenses. Regardless of the political calculus, they remain energized, creative and steadfast in pursuing potential opportunities for immigrants to thrive at the state and local level. For many, including the advocates in Minnesota who waited more than twenty years for the passage of legislation like the “Driver’s Licenses for All” bill, securing basic freedoms for all community members is worth the fight.

“The freedom to thrive in America — something we all aspire to — is about more than federal legal status. It’s also about each of us having access to health care and paid sick leave. It’s about access to quality education. It’s a roof over your head and food on the table. It’s feeling safe and secure at work, in our communities, and at home.

So, while federal immigration legislation may seem unlikely in the short term, significant victories at the state and local levels continue to be won. . . . In November’s midterms, voters not only flipped Arizona blue, but also passed Proposition 308, which will provide in-state tuition to students regardless of immigration status. This in a state that in 2010 passed the notoriously discriminatory, anti-immigrant S.B. 1070. . . .

In Massachusetts, voters also turned out in support of providing driver’s licenses to immigrants regardless of status.

Each of these victories was won in the wake of a moment a lot like this one — when Congress was divided and prospects for progress in Washington had dimmed. . . .” — Immigration Reformers Quietly Racked Up Series of Wins at State Level, Victoria Ballesteros, Salon, 4/14/23 [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: The writer seems to think that everyone has the right “to thrive” in America, despite their legal status. This, she assures us, means access to health care, paid sick leave, and feeling “safe and secure” wherever you are. In other words, in her mind, there should be no distinction between American citizens and noncitizens who reside illegally in our country. This is the underlying premise of most illegal alien advocates. They are smart enough, however, not to state it openly because that would rub most Americans the wrong way—and rightly so.

To hide their agenda, they portray illegal aliens in the most sympathetic manner possible. Yet they offer little sympathy to patriotic American citizens who object to an arrangement which requires them to follow the law, while allowing resident foreigners who ignore it with impunity. This double standard is an attack on democratic government. Under our form of government, citizens, through their elected representatives, make the laws. But under the current double standard, illegal alien advocates—often unelected judges and bureaucrats—ignore the law and make it null and void.

What are we to make of alien advocates when they subvert our rule of law and trivialize the worth of our citizenship? Furthermore, what can we make of their indifference to our border, and by extension, our sovereignty as a nation? The almost unavoidable conclusion is that they are not patriotic Americans, or to put more bluntly, they are traitors. Their only loyalty, it seems, is to the power and profits derived from unchecked migration.






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