They’re Not Law-Abiding

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“With the end of the COVID-19 emergency on May 11, the Title 42 border restrictions have been officially lifted. Although the situation at the border is not the chaotic scene that many had predicted, the U.S. is nonetheless seeing historic numbers of migrants seeking refuge from violence and deprivation.

“In response, Texas has renewed its practice of sending migrants via bus and plane to large cities in liberal states. If Gov. Greg Abbott’s goal is to overwhelm these cities with new arrivals, he appears for now to be succeeding. . . .

“While anti-immigrant politicians in border states are seeking to score points by manufacturing a ‘migrant crisis’ in destination cities and states, elected officials seeking to offer welcome are far from powerless. Responding to these challenges will require significant resources and ingenuity, but governors have tools at their disposal to rise to the occasion. . . . One of those tools is to allow new migrants to work.

“Opponents of immigration typically complain that people from poorer countries bring lawlessness. But if anything, the problem today is that asylum seekers are eager to follow the rules. The last time border arrivals were at comparable levels, many new immigrants were single job-seekers who were willing to elude immigration enforcement and work under the table.

“In contrast, the first thing most humanitarian migrants do upon entering the U.S. now is to present themselves to the authorities to begin applying for asylum. Under that process, they cannot apply for work permits for at least six months. As a result, asylum seekers almost uniformly have no means of supporting themselves and their family members traveling with them, and must rely on the emergency services and private charities that are now being overwhelmed.” — To Address the Migration Crisis, State Governments Should Hire the Migrants, Acob Hamburger and Stephen Yale-Loehr, Opinion Contributors, The Hill 6/3/23 [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: This opinion piece sinks to a deep level of absurdity when it claims that illegal aliens requesting asylum are law-abiding and “eager to follow the rules.” The reality is that they are simply twisting the law to promote their lawlessness.

To understand how this works it’s necessary to go back fourteen years before the claim asylum craze took off. Back then border-crossers made relatively few asylum claims because they had nothing to gain from it—unless it was a sincere claim. Under the law, an asylum claimant had to stay in custody while his asylum claim was being considered. This clanged in 2009 with a directive from ICE director John Morton which allowed the applicants to leave custody while their cases were being considered.

Immediately, illegal aliens and their advocates saw an outstanding opportunity to exploit. All the aliens had to do was make a bogus asylum claim, and they were allowed to enter our country. After that they could blend into the population and never be heard from again. Not surprisingly, asylum applications began to skyrocket and reach the high level where they are now. The vast majority of them are not fleeing state-enforced discrimination and oppression, which alone qualifies one for amnesty. Typically, they are just people seeking to better their economic circumstances. The Biden Administration seems committed to aiding and abetting their fraud.

This opinion piece expresses great concern that the (bogus) amnesty applicants will need work permits so they can support themselves. The writers probably shouldn’t worry because these illegal aliens no doubt will do what illegal aliens generally do, which is taking jobs illegally. If they are willing to game the system to enter the U.S., breaking more laws probably won’t concern them. The solution is not to let them enter in the first place. The Trump Administration aimed toward this solution, only to have its progress reversed by Joe Biden’s government..



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