The “Not-Promised” Land Needs Help

Throughout its brief but catastrophic existence, the Biden administration has dangled the prospect of an American Promised Land to migrants around the world, with the result that at least two million new “Americans” are here to stay, including about 1.35 million who came in illegally. Until recently, everything was going to plan.

What Joe didn’t anticipate is that at least some thousands of those illegals would start dismounting buses alarmingly close to the first family’s palatial digs in Washington, DC. This was not supposed to happen. The capital city was definitely not the Land that was Promised.

Joe Biden offered the migrants of the world a Promised land in america. but What he promised was our land, not his.

What was supposed to happen was that those illegal aliens would be safely dumped in red state, non-sanctuary areas, where they would not be a tedious and unsightly burden on the woke set. Unfortunately for the pro-illegal wokesters, a few months ago the governors of Texas and Arizona came up with the idea of sending the migrants straight to Woke Central on the Potomac, giving the Democrat mayor of that city, Muriel Bowser, enough discomfort that last week she called on the DC National Guard for help.

Now 4,000–the estimated total of illegals shipped to DC from Texas and Arizona since April, when the busing began–is not a large number. Texas alone is experiencing more than that every day, and each day sees nearly twice that many–7,100–come across the entire southern border. Yet, Mayor Bowser is freaking out about the District’s “growing humanitarian crisis” and is seeking federal help in addition to the National Guard.

The White House sympathizes with the mayor’s plight. In response to a question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre labeled the governors’ actions “just wrong.” She declined to answer, however, Doocy’s follow-up question: “Does any of this make the president just want to say, ‘This is causing a lot of burdens on small cities, big cities, maybe I should just close the border?‘” [Emphasis added.]

No, that would be “disgraceful.” The solution is, just don’t send them to places where Important People like Biden and Jean-Pierre and Bowser live.

For more, see the NY Post.



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