Senators Act to Preserve Corporate Donations

With the possibility–indeed the inevitability–of 400,000 and more illegal migrants surging toward our border, it’s easy to be distracted from what’s going on on the legal side of the immigration issue.

It’s not good over there, either.

Not when you have the likes of Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina (along with his co-conspirators Rand Paul [R-KY], and Susan Collins [R-ME]), who has introduced a bill that could ultimately take a million jobs away from American graduates and hand them to recent Indian and Chinese graduates, thus currying the favor of the high tech donor community.

That’s what his bill, labeled the Preserving Employment Visas Act, would do if passed. Its logic goes this way: In Fiscal Year 2021–just ended–according to the formulas used by the State Department, a total of 260,000 guest worker visas (H-1B, etc.) could have been issued. Due to the Chinese coronavirus, only 180,000 such visas were issued, leaving in the minds of these schemers, 80,000 “unused” visas, which this bill aims to preserve.

Only it doesn’t work that way, says Robert Law, attorney and Director of Regulatory Affairs and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies:

From a legal standpoint, there is no such thing as an “unused” visa. The INA affords two opportunities, one on the family-based side and one on the employment-based side, for a visa to be issued. If Congress had intended the annual immigrant visa levels to be an entitlement, it would have structured the legal immigration system in a way that perpetually retained all possible visas subject to a numerical limit. It expressly did not, so the concept of “visa recapture” is bogus.

Neil Munro of Breitbart News points out that Senator Tillis was formerly an executive at IBM, where “he helped the company outsource huge numbers of jobs to foreign workers, including workers from India.” In his Senate career, Tillis has continued to be an outspoken advocate for outsourcing.

Incidentally, as Munro also points out, since Tillis’s departure, IBM upper- and middle-management has largely been “given over to Indian-born managers who have embraced woke causes and hired more Indian workers for low-wage, lower-tech jobs in the United States.” IBM’s current CEO, for example, is Arvind Krishna, a native of the West Godavari District in India.

Munro writes that Tillis’s legislation would help many of the resident Indian and Chinese workers in his state win fast-track green cards. Ironically, those workers once naturalized would likely vote overwhelmingly Democratic after he retires, not that that would matter to Tillis, for whom money is everything.

In further irony, Tillis’s bill is expected to be opposed by the Democrats, who want to import even more foreign workers for the donor class.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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