Navarrette Deals the Race Card Again

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media:

“This is what I’ve learned in three decades of covering the immigration debate, not from Washington or New York but from the high-stakes table: the American Southwest.

“Lesson No. 1: While Republicans are fluent in the language of fear and racism. Democrats are equally skilled in the art of deceit and opportunism.  We already know who Republicans are. They shun the stranger as part of their mission to convert America into the world’s largest exclusive country club. They don’t hide their know-nothing ways. They advertise them to excite their base.

“It is Democrats who need to be exposed, once and for all, as the underhanded frauds they are.

“It’s not that Democrats can’t update an immigration system that everyone agrees is outdated, ineffective, and unfair. It’s that they don’t want to. It’s that simple. They’d rather stall, and waste time and raise people’s hopes with legislative hocus-pocus like their recent attempts to get immigration reform past the Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough.

“On Tuesday, Dick Durbin said that Senate Democrats are currently proposing an alternative plan — a plan B, if you will — to MacDonough, who will ultimately decide whether Democrats can shove an immigration overall into the $3.5 trillion infrastructure spending bill they are aiming to pass on a party-line vote.

“Democrats previously tried to slip a plan into the spending bill that would have provided 8 million green cards for undocumented immigrants. But MacDonough shot down that idea, arguing that the Democratic maneuver didn’t have enough to do with spending and that it would create a whole new immigration system. Thus, she ruled, the plan did not comply with the rules for reconciliation—the budget process that Democrats are using to bypass the filibuster in the Senate. . . .

“The Illinois senator isn’t a bad guy. But he’s a Democrat first and an immigrant advocate second. So he won’t do anything to put his colleagues who face tight re-election campaigns in the tough spot of having to vote for an immigration reform plan that would ignite the angry nativist mob. . . .

“Democrats whine that they don’t have the votes to deliver on their promise of immigration reform. They blame everyone and everything in sight. . .”—The Dems Big Lie? That They Want to Fix Immigration, Ruben Navarrette, Daily Beast, 9/29/21 [Link]  ..

Fact Check of Above Quote: In Ruben Navarrette’s fervid mind there can be no legitimate reasons to oppose mass immigration. It’s all just about “fear and racism.” He’s quick to deal the race card against white Americans, and once even suggested that “racism” was the reason many whites voted against Barack Obama for president. He didn’t concede any possibility that they might not have liked the content of Obama’s character or the content of his politics. Navarrette, a Latino, is a tireless cheerleader for mass immigration, and he doesn’t seem to care whether it’s legal or illegal. As he incessantly charges “racism,” it is helpful to recall the psychological principle of projection, which holds that a person who constantly accuses others of something is often guilty of it himself.

Could Navarrette be a Latino supremacist who wants to swell the numbers of his ethnicity in the U.S.? Mass immigration now aids that agenda, and it poses no personal harm to him. As a graduate of Harvard and a nationally syndicated columnist, he will never face job competition from immigrants. Poor American Latinos are not so privileged, a reality that doesn’t seem to bother him.

By attacking the Democrats Navarrette shows a surprising lack of forbearance and gratitude to a party which has served his aims and purposes so well. It has done just about everything to dismantle immigration law enforcement. Furthermore, its members in Congress have gone out on a limb to slip mass amnesty in the budget, and thereby avoid the oversight and scrutiny of the normal legislative process. Fortunately, so far, the Senate parliamentarian has put a stop to this chicanery. Some Democrats rightly feel that they could lose their seats if they get too brazen with their mass immigration schemes. Navarrette doesn’t seem to care about their predicament. Once again, it’s not his job that’s at risk.



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