Most Don’t Know How Many

A recent poll found that most Americans have no idea of how massive the flow of illegal aliens across our southern border has become. Last year, under the Biden Administration’s policies, the total of illegal border crossers was almost two million.

A Harvard/Harris poll asked a representative sample of registered voters what they thought the total was in 2022. Only 12 percent knew the right answer. An additional thirteen percent gave figures higher than the right number, between two to three million, or more than three million.

All of the rest understated the total, many by a very large margin. Sixteen percent said less than 100,000. Twenty one percent said between 100,000 and 250,000. Eighteen percent said between 250,000 and 500,000, and 20 percent said between 500,000 and one million.

Commenting on this misperception of numbers, Robert Law, of the America First Policy Institute, observed that “We have a government and a lot of special interest groups go out of their way to  . . . hide what the real levels are. . . . The [media] people who write [immigration] articles are well aware of the outrage that would actually happen if it [were] quantified properly.”

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