Migrants Staging Robberies for Special Visas

Here’s an example of how the ever-resourceful criminal migrant class takes advantage of do-gooding laws.

The federal government allows for the alleged victims of violent crimes to apply for “U-visas,” a visa category restricted to noncitizens who have suffered mental or physical abuse as a consequence of being robbed or harmed in some way. So, what’s an undocumented alien to do but stage a crime against himself?

That’s what more than a hundred illegals in Chicago did recently when they paid two men — Parth Nayi and Kewon Young — to pretend to rob them. Confronted in restaurants, coffee shops, liquor stores, and gas stations in Chicago and its suburbs by pretend robbers Nayi and Young brandishing firearms and demanding money, the “victims” then were able to submit applications for the specialized visas.

The scheme was uncovered after a store employee was critically injured during one of the staged robberies. The police investigation led to the arrest of the fake robbers, and the “victims” were found to have paid thousands of dollars to be “robbed.”

This case represents one aspect of a growing trend toward immigration fraud.

Authorities are promising they will work to prevent such schemes in the future and ensure that only genuine crime victims are granted U-visas. Of course they are.

For more, see Fox News.


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