Migrants Now Sleeping in El Paso Airport

Since late August, more than 80,000 illegal migrants have been released into El Paso, Texas, a city of about 680,000. Once processed, those illegals not expelled through Title 42–set to expire any day–are simply being let go. All public shelters are full, though the city has begun housing migrants in a convention center and vacant school buildings. El Paso’s Border Patrol Central Processing Center, with a capacity of 1,040, is overflowing with 4,600 migrants. Many of the migrants have thus been forced to set up cardboard shelters on city sidewalks. Hundreds of others, with the wherewithal to purchase airline tickets, have occupied the El Paso airport, in anticipation of getting flights to somewhere else in America.

The airport in El Paso is not a major airline hub and so lacks the number of flights necessary to keep up with the influx. Consequently, many are remaining in the airport for days awaiting flights, while their total numbers continue to grow.

Currently, El Paso is receiving about 2,100 known migrants every day. (No one can even guess how many come across without being intercepted.) Once Title 42 is discontinued, that number is expected to double or even triple, to 5,000 or 6,000. Official estimates of the total influx along the entire border after T42 go as high as 18,000, but again no one knows for sure.

What is clear is that the government in Washington has not only encouraged this invasion, it has done almost nothing to prevent it. Seldom in human history has a government so betrayed its citizenry. Yet, as noted here elsewhere today, both the administration and the so-called opposition party focus their concern on the antics of an international grifter as he demands more and more American billions to prop up his criminal regime.

Only in America.

For more, see the Washington Examiner.



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