Mexican Women Cross Border to Give Birth, Then Send Kids to U.S. Schools

Obama’s Education Secretary Arne Duncan visited an elementary school in Columbus, NM last year where 75% of the students live in Mexico but get free educations in the U.S. because their mothers crossed the border to give birth in the local U.S. hospital (usually without paying), and birth here makes them U.S. citizens.

What was Duncan’s response to this abuse of American taxpayers? “These are our kids and they’re trying to get a great education…it’s frankly inspiring.” Duncan’s remarks are included in a 2013 documentary which the school recently posted on its website. The film includes an interview with Columbus Fire Chief Ken Riley, who over the years says he has “taken thousands of trips to the border to pick up women in labor.”

For years automatic U.S. citizenship has been bestowed on anyone born here, even illegal aliens or foreign tourists, under a liberal judicial reading of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which was intended to settle the status of freed slaves as citizens. Rep.Steve King (R-Iowa) has introduced a bill to correct “the flawed interpretation of the Constitution’s citizenship clause.” King’s “Birthright Citizenship Act” would end the current practice of extending U.S. citizenship to hundreds of thousands of “anchor babies,” which he calls a magnet for illegal immigration.

Posted 4/17/14 by Andrew Lewis



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