Left Wants to Arm Illegal Aliens

The American Left is doing its best to mimic the Roman Empire in every possible way. Currently, there is a movement afoot to enlist, train, and arm illegal aliens in our military and police. What could go wrong?

As we reported here on December 5, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) is arguing that the recruiting shortfall of military recruits being experienced by our various branches of service could be met by enlisting illegals, who would thereby receive citizenship papers and the right to vote.

Now we also learn that the Los Angeles Police Department is considering adopting the same practice with their own recruits. According to Fox News, on Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore said “his Department is taking the nationwide lead on a unique immigration challenge: allowing non-citizen DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients who become sworn officers the ability to carry a firearm full-time.”

Legally, DACA recipients are not only non-citizens; they continue to be ILLEGAL non-citizens, whose presence is merely officially overlooked by the federal government. Fox News notes that the issue “raises many legal and safety questions, including whether a non-citizen should ever arrest a US citizen. . . .”

Officially arming illegal aliens is little short of madness. Considering the fact that a large percentage of persons caught sneaking across our borders are military-aged young men and the increasing authoritarianism of our government, we could be setting ourselves up for rule, not only by foreigners, but by foreign criminals.

On a related topic, freelance reporter Jeff Rainforth on December 12 posted a video he made of a talk with a half-dozen young black men from Guinea in West Africa. The men had illegally crossed the border in Arizona and were waiting happily for a ride to Processing from the Border Patrol. Rainforth writes:

I was filming on the border in Lukeville, Arizona this month when I came on a group of illegal aliens from Guinea in West Africa who asked me to film them. They expressed their love for Joe Biden, and stated that they were going to New York. When I asked them what they would do for work they said they were joining the Marines.

Don’t be surprised if they make it.



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