Ireland Starts to Resist

Ireland is now facing a growing surge of mass immigration. As in most Western countries, Ireland’s political and economic elites welcome this development as a means to promote their political and economic agendas, all the while virtue-signaling about their humanitarian goodness.

Until recently, ordinary Irish people have not protested, but this is changing as many are taking to the streets with marches and rallies to express their concerns. Predictably, the elites and their media spokesman are labeling the protests as “racist.”

Hermann Kelly of the Irish Freedom Party defended this patriotic movement with the following statement: “We were not put on Earth to provide free housing, healthcare, and education to the rest of the world. Ireland is more than a wet rock in the middle of the Atlantic, full of rootless, nation-less consumers and producers. No. Ireland is our home, not an economic hostel. We are Irish, we are a people and a nation, bound by history and culture, by faith and by family to this land. We are a nation, not a colony, and we will not allow a second plantation of Ireland to take place.”



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