How Many Illegals Are “Getting Away”?

Recently, we reported that “at least 1000” illegal aliens are crossing the border from Mexico into the United States each day without being caught. That figure may be somewhat on the low side.


In an interview on Fox News Monday, Deputy Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, said that, so far this year, “way over 100,000 people” have gotten past the Border Patrol, becoming what officials call “gotaways.” Ortiz told the interviewers:

We have technology and we have some resources out there that give us an estimate of how many people are actually getting away from us and we continue to try and refine and have as much confidence in that statistic as we can. But I can tell you that, so far, it’s been way over 100,000 people that have gotten away from us this year. But the Border Patrol agents, as well as our law enforcement partners, are doing everything we can. Our resources are just stretched awfully thin right now.

The Border Patrol is stretched thin because they have been reduced to the role of baby sitter for all the family units and unaccompanied minors that are surging across the border, in response to Joe Biden having put out the welcome mat. As Governor Abbott of Texas said last month,

What the Border Patrol told me, and this is actually part of the cartel strategy. Because of the volume of people coming across the border, the Border Patrol that makes the arrest had to engage quite literally, in baby-sitting. And while they are doing baby-sitting, that provides an opportunity for the cartels to be able to bring other people across the border illegally.

This, of course, troubles Joe Biden not at all. Fox News reminds us that, while campaigning in 2019, then-candidate Biden said: “We can afford to take in a heart beat another two million people.”

At the rate things are going, Joe may get his two million and then some any day now.

For more, see Breitbart News.


  1. We can only hope that by getting “away”, they are considered fugitives and, without any documentation at all will be top of the list for deportation.


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