CBP Chief Morgan on Migrant Flood

Neil Munro of Breitbart News is reporting that the number of migrants arriving at our southern border in December 2020 (74,000) was 80 percent higher than that of December 2019. Speaking with Breitbart News, acting CBP commissioner Mark Morgan said on January 5 that this is the result of smugglers telling asylum seekers that a new, Biden administration in Washington will end existing border restrictions.

Morgan said:

The cartels and human smugglers are spreading the perception that our borders will be open. In this case, they’re correct. They’re right — it’s not just the perception.

Morgan said the now-President-Elect Biden’s campaign promises are “not an immigration strategy — [they are] an open border strategy.”

On the hopeful side, according to Morgan, Biden’s appointees may be listening to his own officials’ explanation of the problem and that they are now at least talking about delaying some of Biden’s campaign promises.

“But this isn’t good enough, not by a long shot,” Morgan said. “This simply kicks the crisis can down the road. Without significant and permanent walk back of their open-borders strategies, without actively listening and continuing to work based on truth in reality, the only result will be a continuing and steady increase in the numbers.”

With Biden now sure to be the next president, the rest of us can only wait and see what happens.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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