Murdoch Distorts Trump’s Statement

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who is considered a conservative kingmaker as the man behind Fox News, thinks Donald Trump is “wrong” about immigrants. :...

AP Story Ignores Immigration

The latest example of media bias: Even after another month of strong hiring in June and a sinking unemployment rate, the U.S. job market...

Trump Challenges Media Etiquette

Here is the latest example of media bias: “The most shocking thing this week about Donald Trump isn’t that he offended Mexicans by calling...

CAPS Deserves Credit for Telling the Truth

Here is the latest example of media bias and reporting malpractice: "Yesterday, the Star-Ledger (Newark) posted the Center for New Community’s response to their...

Mass Immigration Brings Disunity and Decline

Population alone does not determine national power, but it is an important component, particularly if those human resources are educated and assimilated. It appears...

Globalists Care for Gain, Not Countrymen

The battle between the anti-globalizers and the globalization adapters, if you will, is playing out in education, trade, and immigration policy. Unfortunately, too many...

Mass Immigration Doesn’t Boost Wealth

Of course, there’s an easy way for more people to become as rich as Americans. That’s for them to, well, become Americans. . ....

House Vote Was More Reasonable Than ‘Reason’

A provision in the latest defense authorization bill would have. . . . expressed the sense of Congress that the Pentagon should study the...

NYT Endorses Obama’s Lawlessness

Mrs. Clinton defended a path to citizenship for those 11 million , and promised as president to take executive—more broadly than Mr. Obama has—to...

Immigration Advocates Don’t Define Immigration

Immigration is one of the great polarizing issues in American politics. . . . But overall, immigrants are good for the United States. ....