Carlson: Military Secretly Moving Illegals into U.S.

The U.S. military, based in Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas, is being used by the administration to secretly resettle perhaps tens of thousands of illegal migrants to places in the interior of the United States.


Tucker Carlson reported on Wednesday, July 14, on an email obtained from a whistle-blower revealing what’s being done surreptitiously without the knowledge or approval of the American people. Describing the email, Carlson says,

“Over the next few days, weeks or months,” the note began, “you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens. Please review the attached public affairs guidance on the issue.” [Lt. Col. Matthew] Burrows’ email then instructed uniformed military personnel to hide what was happening on the base from the country they’re sworn to serve. “Do not take photographs and refrain from posting anything on social media.” Lt. Col. Burrows offered no national security justification for keeping any of this secret because there is none. He just told the people who work for him not to talk.

Carlson confirmed the account with the Pentagon, whose spokesman described the flights as a “noncitizen movement,” part of “the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s mission.” He was then directed to ICE, which eventually confirmed the account.

Carlson quotes from a March Center for Immigration Studies video detailing what was known then about the wholesale resettling program:

What’s happening most of the time is that they’re boarding buses and heading into America’s heartland. A conveyor belt of commercial and charter buses just like this one out of Del Rio, Texas. are carrying tens of thousands sight unseen from Texas, Arizona, and California borderlands northward and they’re dropping Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban and Central American family units in Florida, New Jersey, Tennessee,  Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.

Now we know that, in addition to buses, military aircraft are being used for the same purpose:

Now the administration is using aircraft and Air Force bases. That ought to give you some sense of the scale involved here. What you’re watching is demographic transformation, in our country, without our consent and in violation of our laws.

For the article, with a link to Carlson’s video, see Fox News.


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