Biden and Harris in Pursuit of the Myth of the Root Cause

Vice President Kamala Harris was in Honduras last week attending the inauguration of fellow socialist female Xiomara Castro, the first woman president of that corrupt and benighted country. While there, she was also said to be sniffing out the “root causes” of out-migration from Honduras to the United States.

The Root Cause strategy of immigration reform (actually made explicit in the administration’s “Operation Root Causes,” in case there was any doubt) sounds oh so reasonable. “We’ll never solve our illegal migration problem until we deal with the ROOT CAUSES!” they cry. Deal with the ROOT CAUSES and all will be well. Countries like Honduras and its Northern Triangle nations Guatemala and El Salvador will settle into everlasting bliss and prosperity once those pesky ROOT CAUSES are dealt with.

As always, their solution to any problem is to throw scads of taxpayer money at it. Just throw enough, no matter how much or how long it takes, and life will be swell. After all, look at the incredible success they’ve had with the War on Poverty, declared by Lyndon Johnson 58 years ago. At last count, that’s twenty-three trillion dollars down the drain and still there’s so much more work to do!

That’s what Harris’s boss, Joe Biden, told a meeting with the National Governors’ Association yesterday at the White House. “A lot to do,” Biden sighed. (VP Harris was on the podium as well, but she kept mum on what was no doubt the stellar success of her Honduran junket. Probably didn’t want to steal the Big Guy’s thunder.)

Yes, there is a lot to do. A lot of money to spend. Biden-Harris has allotted $4 billion so far for the ROOT CAUSES in the Triangle countries. And there’ll be more where that came from.

As the Boston Herald editorial staff wrote on January 27, if the WH Dynamic Duo want to know about the ROOT CAUSES of the mass migrations to the U.S. southern border, “they should look in the mirror. . . Democrats have been putting out the welcome mat for years.”

(To this we would add, Democrats are not solely to blame. There are quite a few big biz Republicans who drool over unlimited supplies of menial foreign labor as well.)

Hundreds of leftist cities have declared themselves sanctuaries for illegals. Left-leaning states have given illegals driver’s licenses and the right to vote. Everywhere, the children of illegal residents are educated free of charge. Under Biden-Harris, refugee admissions have been increased, the “public charge” rule has been abandoned, and all the Trump-era restrictions on migrant admissions have been systematically abolished. And every word of every speech by the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has dripped with the sentiment, “Welcome, friends!

There are your ROOT CAUSES.

But for the moment, let’s imagine that somehow in some wonderful future that working with the ROOT CAUSES of U.S.-bound migration from Mexico and the Northern Triangle has actually succeeded, and those countries have been transformed into oases of freedom and prosperity that no one would think of leaving. Problem solved, right?

Not so fast. According to the CBP, illegal migrants coming from countries other than those nations are the big and growing problem now. Just in 2022 so far alone, 179,460 illegals from “Other” countries around the world have been encountered on our southern border. That’s more than those from even neighboring Mexico, which has supplied 168,623. The total from the Triangle countries (148,065) doesn’t even come close to the Other countries.

What are the Other countries? They are countries like India, the Philippines, Columbia, Brazil, Haiti, Syria, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Somalia, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, et cetera, you name it, countries everywhere. Whether Joe Biden realizes it or not, he has a worldwide problem on his hands, the end result of Globalism. And there will not be enough American taxpayer money till the end of time to solve it.

The solution is not socialist, pie-in-the-sky foreign aid. It’s something the likes of Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas abhor. It’s border security, pure and simple. Build the wall.

For more on the WH meeting with the governors, see Fox News.


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