Arizona vs U.S.: Who’s the Trespasser?

Ironically, the administration of Joe Biden, responsible for inviting and admitting millions of illegal aliens who are now trespassing on American soil, is accusing the state of Arizona of “trespassing on federal lands.”

As noted here on October 20, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has demanded that Arizona remove the approximately one hundred double-stacked shipping containers placed by the state along an unprotected section of the border near Yuma. The state, under the direction of Governor Doug Ducey, had ordered the makeshift wall erected in response to “the inaction of the Biden administration in stopping migrants from entering the state from Mexico.” To date, since the project began in August, 130 containers have been installed, filling 3,900 feet of open border.

The issue has predictably gone to the courts, though so far the containers remain. For now, it’s a question of which “trespassing” is the greater offense. On the one hand, Jacklynn Gould, regional director for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Basin, has charged:

The unauthorized placement of those containers constitutes a violation of federal law and is a trespass against the United States. That trespass is harming federal lands and resources and impeding Reclamation’s ability to perform its mission.

And on the other hand, the mayor of beleaguered Yuma countered:

They say this is federal land, and it is, but it would be trespassing supposedly to put these containers on there. Well, my contention is that 300,000 people that have come through this year alone, they’ve been trespassing, and I don’t remember seeing a letter going out to anybody to try to stop any of that.

For more, see Fox News.




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