Another Christmas, Another 38,000 New Illegal “Americans”

Over the Christmas weekend between December 22 and 25, Border Patrol officials apprehended more than 29,000 migrants who had crossed our southern border illegally. Factor in the take of at least 9,000 on Thursday, December 21, and the total rises to 38,000 over just those five days.

Also during the period, the DHS stealthily released the report for November, which shows that more than 191,000 more were “apprehended” during that month alone.

Note: It’s important to keep in mind that when an illegal migrant is “apprehended,” that’s not the same experience a citizen, for example, would have being “arrested.” For citizens, arrest usually means jail. But most migrants look for the Border Patrol immediately upon jumping the border, because they know they’ll be fed, housed, provided medical care, showered with gifts such as cell phones and gift cards, and then most likely released, perhaps with a ticket to the American city of their choosing. Such a deal. Why not come to America?

No need to ask that of the caravan of around 7,500 getting underway down in southern Mexico. Down there, nationals of at least 24 different countries are making their way north, en route to you-know-where. Most are from Central America, Cuba, Venezuela, and Haiti,  but such far-away lands of Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Cameroon are also represented. North toward their new home they come, singing the praises of the Great White Senile Father in Washington, DC.

Such is life in Bidenworld.

For more, Breitbart News.




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