Adios, North America . . . Canada Becoming an Asian Country

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced this week that the Dominion imported more than 400,000 immigrants last year. That, however, was not nearly enough, so he also declared his intention to increase that total to at least a half million yearly by 2025.

In area, Canada is huge, at 3,855,101 square miles second only by Russia. Population-wise, however, the country is comparatively small; with an estimated population of 38,454,327, it ranks only fortieth in the world.

Trudeau and his leftist cronies hope to change that, however, with the so-called “Century Initiative,” a plan to increase the population to at least one hundred million by the end of the century. They will do this with the kind of wide-open, wholesale immigration announced this week.

Where will those immigrants come from? In 1971, most–20.9 percent–came from the United Kingdom. Not anymore. Nowadays, only about 10 percent of new arrivals are even from Europe, while Asians–mostly from the Indian subcontinent–comprise 62 percent.

Even today, nearly a quarter of Canada’s population is already foreign born. At the rate things are going, well before the century’s close, Canada will have ceased to belong to North America in any way except geographically. It will be a thoroughly Asian/Indian colony, and Mr. Trudeau and his ancestors will have long since ceased to matter or be remembered, except with scorn.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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