A Document for the Undocumented

In what amounts to the next step in their plan to smuggle in amnesty without the tedious bother of going through Congress, the Biden administration is considering creating a new form of ID specifically for illegal aliens granted admittance to the U.S. Called the ICE Secure Docket Card, this identification card would–so the argument goes–simplify the job of the Department of Homeland Security in keeping up with the hundreds of thousands  of noncitizens with no visas and no reason for being here that are being admitted every month. In actuality, this “document for the undocumented” would provide the bearer with authorization to work, collect welfare benefits, board commercial flights, apply for state driver’s licenses and Social Security cards, and so on. It would be, for all practical purposes, the equivalent of the Green Card.

The ICE Secure Docket Card, not yet designed, is expected to be similar to the already-existing Employment Authorization Document (EAD), which itself has been another step toward de-facto amnesty. According to the Daily Mail, the card would feature a photo and some biographical details of the bearer, plus some “cutting-edge security features.”  It is also expected to contain a QR code that would provide the bearer access to information about his upcoming court appearances through an app (because we all know how avidly illegals like to keep up with those court dates!)

These high-tech frills are of course music to the ears of Silicon Valley, which is never so happy a valley as when government lucre is raining down–and which is, coincidentally, the source of much of the funding for the party in power. This is not the first time the Biden administration has gone high-tech in a purported effort to get a handle on its backlogged immigration system while at the same time passing a few millions along to its California-based “partners.” Last year, border officials began using a biometric facial recognition app to process asylum seekers at the border, an app developed though that “partnership.”

Speaking of money, although representative government is useless for deciding measures like amnesty, Congress did obligingly set aside $10 million in the 2023 budget to implement the ICE Secure Docket Card program.

For more, see the Daily Mail.


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