World’s Excess Flocking to United States

On April 7, 2021, we reported on the case of two Yemeni insurgents arrested by U.S. authorities while trying to cross illegally from Mexico. The arrests had initially been reported in a press release on the Customs and Border Protection website, but that release was taken down almost immediately. The resulting silence on the matter continued until this past Thursday, June 10. On that day, Congressman Tom Tiffany (R-WI) asked FBI Director Chris Wray for an update.

Wray refused to answer, not surprisingly, but Tiffany followed up with this:

People from countries of particular concern for terrorist activity — you mentioned a few of them, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran — have been coming. I witnessed it recently during my trip to the Darien Gap in Panama.

Representative Tiffany had, in fact, gone much further than certain Administration figures refuse to go. At his own expense, in May he traveled, not just to the border but well beyond it, to the infamous Darien Gap in Panama, the 66-mile-long gap in the Pan-American highway that marks the border between North America and South America. It is through this dangerous stretch of jungle that the world’s excess is pouring, en route to the United States to the north. According to Tiffany and two journalists accompanying him–Chuck Holton and Michael Yon–at least 10,000 of these “extra-continentals” have flooded through the gap in the month of May alone.

One of the journalists, Michael Yon, told Center for Immigration Studies Todd Bensman, that “the numbers are the highest ever this month. They have dramatically, dramatically, dramatically increased. It’s up 300, 400 percent. Be prepared. They’re coming.”

According to Bensman, Tiffany spent four days on the ground in Panama, coming away convinced that what he had recently heard from a Border Patrol official was true: terrorists are routinely using the Gap as a smuggling pipeline. At one point on his trip, Tiffany counted “16 large boats filled to capacity with immigrants of all different nationalities.”

This in itself is not new. In any given year, anywhere from 8,000 to 20,000 illegal migrants cross through the gap. This year, however, the International Organization for Migration reports that 11,370 extra-continental came through between just January and April. Then in May, the number was 10,000, with most of the year yet remaining.

Amazingly, many of those crossing through the hazardous Gap are pregnant women. According to Michael Yon, those women are learning from “somewhere along the information chain” that the Administration is quickly legalizing pregnant women in large numbers.

Chuck Holton agrees: “We are told that these women are intentionally getting pregnant in order to get into the United States.”

Readers need not be reminded that any child born on American soil is automatically an American citizen, none of whose relatives–terrorists or not–can ever be expected to be removed.

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