Trump Policies Benefit U.S. Interests

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“Addressing immigration, an issue that Trump weaponized with devastating consequences, should not be a red state or blue state cause, but an American one. We can secure our borders while still providing . . . a safe harbor for those fleeing horrific violence. Instead, we proudly call ourselves a nation of immigrants while leaving hundreds of thousands of Dreamers in limbo, keeping hundreds of migrant children separated from their parents and stranding thousands of desperate migrants in refugee camps on the U.S.-Mexico border.” – Election Ends, Time to Govern America Begins, Austin American-Statesman, Editorial, 11/7/20 [link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: What does this editorial mean when it says that President Trump “weaponized” immigration as an issue? The insinuation is that it was something very bad because it had “devastating consequences.” But there’s certainly another way of looking at the Trump record, one that sees the benefit of ill consequences for various vested interests.

In pursuit of profits and power, they care little about the worth of our citizenship, the security of our border, and the sovereignty of our country. They are businesses seeking cheap labor so they won’t have to pay decent wages to American workers, and political partisans in search of cheap votes which they hope to reap by passing amnesties for illegal aliens.

As is so common with mass immigration propaganda, this editorial employs the cliché “nation of immigrants” to deflect any thoughtful discussion about immigration policy. Such a discussion would acknowledge that our country simply doesn’t have the capacity to be a haven for all the unhappy people in the world who would like to move here.

We do make provision to accept asylum seekers, i.e., people who have a well-found fear of personal persecution by their governments. In recent years many foreigners have learned to scam our system by making bogus asylum claims when their real motive is usually economic improvement.

These migrants were threatening to overwhelm our border when the Trump Administration began its policy to make them stay in Mexican camps. It rightly reasoned that if they were true asylum seekers they could apply for asylum in Mexico rather than continue to the U.S. border. A truly “devastating consequence” of repealing the Trump policy would be renewal of the migrant surge across our border.

This editorial repeats the charge that the Trump Administration did nothing about migrant children separated from their parents. The reality is that the majority of these parents have refused to reunite with those children.

The editorial writer is right to maintain that our immigration policy should represent American interests instead of those of factions. But serving as an apologist for un-American factions is exactly what this writer is doing.


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