Gutierrez: Obama Can Give “Safe Harbor” to “Millions” of Illegals

Radical pro-alien Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) said today that if House Republicans want to return to the bargaining table on immigration “reform” legislation, that’s fine.  “But in the interim period, I believe the President of the United States has already in statute – in the law – the ability to heal and put into safe harbor millions of undocumented immigrants…”

Gutierrez said the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has given Obama a four-page list of actions he can take on his own.  First, he mentioned the parents of the nearly 600,000 illegal young “DREAMers” who had deportation waived and were given work permits by Obama’s June, 2012 edict.  He also mentioned the 72,000 children whose illegal alien parents have been deported, and the “5 million American-citizen children who every day fear losing their mom and dad.  Why can’t he (Obama) put those moms and dads in a safe place so that they can raise their children?”

“I expect the president to be broad, expansive and generous in the use of his prosecutorial discretion,” he said.


Posted 7/1/14 by Andrew Lewis


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