Coulter: Media Lies About Trump ‘Muslim Ban’

Ann Coulter does an effective and hilarious job exposing MSM deception in “Give Me Your Tired Arguments…” published Wednesday.  A few excerpts:

“Everything said about President Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ is a lie — including that it’s a Muslim ban.”

“Amid the hysteria over this prudent pause in refugee admissions from seven countries whose principal export is dynamite vests, it has been indignantly claimed that it’s illegal for our immigration policies to discriminate on the basis of religion.  This is often said by journalists who are only in America because of immigration policies that discriminated on the basis of religion.”

“Americans are weary of taking in these pricey Third World immigrants, who show their gratitude by periodically erupting in maniacal violence — in, for example, San Bernardino, Orlando, New York City, Fort Hood, Boston, Chattanooga, Bowling Green and St. Cloud.”

“While it’s fantastic news that most Muslim refugees aren’t terrorists, the downside is: They’re not refugees, they’re not brilliant, they don’t have a constitutional right to come here and they’re very, very expensive.”

Read the rest here:



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