CINOs Don’t Care about Citizenship

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“It’s finally a new day in America. A day immigrants like myself have been hoping and praying for — an end to the former administration’s cruel and inhumane policies that attempted to strip our community of its humanity. . . .

“The Biden/Harris administration has a critical opportunity to create an America that actually lives up to the words etched along the base of the Statue of Liberty. . . . The sweeping immigration bill President Biden introduced on his first day in office includes a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the United States . . . and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programs, improving immigration courts and reuniting the still-separated families. . ..

“I remember what it was like growing up undocumented and feeling that daily sense of uncertainty until I became a citizen 10 years later. And now, it is extremely painful to see members of my family who are tax-paying, law-abiding members of their communities and who love this country denied the ability to fully participate in it.

“They are thankful to the immigrant voters that came out in record numbers to push President Biden .  . . to victory. From Arizona to New York, millions of immigrants braved a pandemic, a full-blown voter suppression campaign, and a federal government hostile to our very existence to vote. . . .

“Ending this entrenched injustice and transforming our immigration system will not be easy. But this is a historic opportunity that we can’t let slip by. We need to restore humanity and justice to our immigration system, stop deportations and detentions, increase our refugee limits and reinstate a real asylum process for those fleeing persecution.

“Donald Trump’s presidency was a devastating descent into hate. . . . As we build back better, we have an opportunity to not just erase the damage of the last four years, but to move to a new future for immigrants in America, reset our place in the world and finally become that true beacon of hope. We demand President Biden and our members of Congress seize it.” – Immigration Reform Can’t Wait, Roviovka Ovika, The Hill,1/29/21 [Link]

Fact Check on Article Above: This writer, a former illegal alien, wants to end “deportations and detentions” of illegal aliens. That would gut immigration law enforcement and throw out a welcome mat to any foreigner inclined to slip across our border. As a further incentive to illegal immigration, Ovika wants passage of Biden’s proposed amnesty for all illegal aliens in the U.S. and citizenship for them as well. Rewarding these lawbreakers is certain to encourage others abroad to come here in hope that they too win the amnesty sweepstakes.

Like many illegal alien advocates, Ovika doesn’t seem to think that immigration laws are really laws at all. She even refers to her “law-abiding” family members who are not allowed “to participate” in America, presumably because of their illegal status. In Ovika’s mind, immigration is arbitrary and unjust  oppression of “undocumented” people motivated simply by a “descent into hate.”

Illegal alien advocates can’t grasp, or don’t want to grasp, the idea that immigration law is necessary for a country to be a country. Open borders in effect mean no borders, and no border means no nation where citizens can decide what kind of kind of future they want. Typically, illegal alien advocates try to blur the difference between citizens and noncitizens to suggest that American citizens shouldn’t have the right, above non-citizens, “to participate” in their country.

Ovika says she is now a citizen, but her indifference to the rights and privileges of citizens suggests that she is really a CINO (citizen in name only). Her first allegiance, it seems, is to immigrants whether they be legal or illegal. She hails the “immigrants” who worked for Joe Biden’s election and his platform of virtually open borders and mass immigration.

Does Ovida care what impact this platform will have on real citizens (as opposed to CINOs)? She makes the maudlin appeal to the “huddled masses” of the Statue of Liberty—as if that requires that we admit everyone until we’re swamped. Small is her concern, it seems, for the tired huddled masses of Americans yeaning to breathe free of divisive diversity and all the other drawbacks of immigration out of control.


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