Christianity Doesn’t Require Mass Immigration

The Quote Below: More Misinformation from the Media

“Can faith inform our search for an answer to the current immigration policy paralysis? For many, religious conviction and government policy are ethically independent of each other, as both play a unique role in society and our daily lives. While we may understand the role of the government to be separate, to an extent, from the role of the church, where is that intersection between government policy and the responsibility of the church in tricky areas such as immigration? . . .

“The church, in a similar manner, is supposed to be compassionate, caring, and even adept at serving ‘the least of these’ (Matthew 25:45) – the vulnerable and the weak. In fact, our separation of church and state arguably encourages individuals to support charity, give to causes they hold dear, and get involved – not by compulsion, but precisely freely apart from the strong-arm of government. . . .

While families are being torn apart and lives drastically affected on a daily basis, can we continue to write this off as “a government?” Is this how we are called to be in relation with strangers? It may make things quite easier in some ways to separate the role of government from our spiritual convictions, but Scripture reminds us of Christ’s words, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was a stranger and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

While we must abide by the rule of law, we can’t forget our call to compassion and we must remember – at some point in our lives and those of our ancestors—we are all strangers. – Kent Ingle: Should Our Christian Faith Inform Our Views on Immigration, Kent Ingle, Fox News, 4/11/19 [Link]

Fact Check of Quote: This writer pays lip service to the rule of law. It is clear that his preference is mass immigration. He suggests that this is a Christian’s primary duty, as opposed to simply following the government and its laws. He fails to acknowledge that supporting immigration control can also stem from Christian duty. In this situation it is the divine plan for nationhood.

According to the Book of Genesis, God divided humanity into nations, but sinful men at Babel ignored this division and came together as one. Their intention was to defy God and do whatever they pleased. God thwarted their plan and divided them again—in this case using a multiplicity of languages to promote separation.

The Old Testament affirms that God “set boundaries” among nations (Deut. 32:8). God used the nation of Israel to bring redemption to mankind. The New Testament, (Acts 17:26-27) states that national division leads men to seek after God. The Book of Revelation foretells that nationhood will continue to exist even into the next life in Heaven (Rev. 21:24).

Revelation also warns of danger ahead. Specifically, it foretells the rise of Babylon the Great a world-ruling political and economic system, totally opposed to God’s order (Rev. 17 & 18). It deceives and undermines the nations, leveling them under its oppressive designs. Babylon the Great and ancient Babel share similarities. Today we have a movement of powerful “globalists” who want to abolish borders and national sovereignty. As this movement proceeds, Christians should beware.

In Matthew 25, Christ condemns those who don’t welcome “strangers” and others who are “the least” of these “brothers of mine.” The word brother in Christ’s common usage referred to Christians, those who followed him. The passage thus says that Christ will judge and condemn nations and individuals who mistreat Christians. It is not a mandate for a government policy of letting in anyone and everyone. In point of fact it is a powerful scripture against mass immigration of Muslims and other non-Christians into predominantly Christian countries. In that situation, the least of Christ’s brothers will face difficulties. Some obvious possibilities are religious and cultural marginalization. Another is economic loss from competition for jobs and wage suppression.

Supporters of mass immigration claim that their cause is one of compassion, but if a nation is to exist, its leaders must put the interests their fellow citizens first. They have first claim on their government’s compassion. Unfortunately, in the Western world, many leaders and elites incline toward globalism.

Promoting the eclipse of their nations is not compassion at all. With endless mass immigration comes chaos and confusion—and eventually tyranny to restore order. The project appears to be one in complete accord with Babylon the Great.

Unfortunately, many church leaders go with this flow perhaps because they would rather be trendy than faithful. One exception is Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah who has affirmed the right of nations to resist mass immigration. He stated, “This contemporary desire to globalize the world, ridding it of nations with their distinctive characteristics is sheer madness.”

Sarah rightly maintains that it is better to help people live and prosper in their own lands instead of encouraging them to migrate. This is true Christian charity.


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