Ann Coulter: All We Need Is Love … And Deportations

On Wednesday Ann Coulter's latest column explained why the leaders of the U.K., the USA and other Western nations only talk about defeating Muslim terrorists,...

Refugees Don’t Pay Their Way

More Media Misinformation: There’s no tidy way to break down how much the U.S. spends per refugee. . . . But here’s how the main...

‘Security Amendment’ Full of Loopholes, Says Sen. Jeff Sessions

A Republican amendment to the Amnesty Bill promising border security does not require border fencing, and does not provide any funding to hire the proposed additional Border Patrol agents. In addition, the agents are not authorized to be hired until 2021.

White House Responds to Terror Attack

The recent terror attack in New York City prompted the White House to issue a statement: "This attack with the president on immigration reforms that enhance our nation security and public safety. We must protect our borders, we must ensure that individuals entering our country are not coming to do harm to our people, and we must move to a merit-based system of immigration." 

Poll: Most Agree Immigrants Take Jobs

A recent poll found that most Americans in all regions agree with the statement that immigrants "take away jobs" rather than "create jobs." The highest level of agreement was in the Midwest where 55 percent of respondents said "take away jobs" as opposed to 16 percent said "create jobs." The lowest level of agreement was in the West where were 46 checked "take" and 41 said "create."

Taxpayers Will Subsidize Amnestied Illegals

Neil Munro of the Daily Caller was one of the first to point out that Obama's amnesty edict has been written to allow huge tax...

Illegal Aliens Argue for Tax Credits

Illegal aliens are receiving billions of dollars for child tax credits, a practice illegal aliens publicly support.

Illegal Alien Criminals Freed Despite Thousands of Vacant Detention Beds

Obama's Homeland Security is leaving thousands of detention beds empty while it voluntarily frees thousands of murderers, kidnappers and other criminals, the chief of...

Breitbart News Exposes NBC Whopper On Immigrant Crime

On NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, host Chuck Todd made this remarkable - and false - statement: "We couldn't find a single study that links...

Cuomo Bans Courthouse Arrests

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has signed legislation to prevent Immigration and Naturalization Enforcement (ICE) from arresting illegal aliens in state courthouses without a...