Sun Times Twists Words

More Misinformation from the Media:

Maybe Cardinal Blase Cupich, and his compassionate, vocal embrace of immigrants, will rub off on Gov. Bruce Rauner. . . . Back home in Illinois, immigrants of many backgrounds remain anxious and fearful about a Donald Trump presidency. They need to hear from Rauner that he is on their side, ready to appeal for better judgement from his fellow Republican if Trump moves to enact the discriminatory policies he talked up on the campaign trail. . . . Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago aldermen and members of Congress from the Chicago area have vowed to do all they can to keep law-abiding immigrants safe. Rauner would be wise to do the same. It’s what leaders do. – Can Immigrants, Fearful of Trump, Look to Rauner, Chicago Sun Times, Editorial Board, 11/18/16.

Fact Check: This editorial is an excellent example of the verbal sleight-of-hand and word twisting that illegal alien advocates commonly employ. To illustrate, it strongly suggests that advocacy for illegal aliens is the “compassionate” position. But what of compassion for disadvantaged Americans whose jobs they take and whose wages they depress? Do their lives matter?

Other potential recipients of compassion are foreigners who patiently wait in line to come here legally, only to see other foreigners illegally cutting in line in front of them. Or there might be some sympathy for the broad mass of American citizens who value their country’s rule of law.

Most interesting too is how the editorial refers to illegal aliens as “immigrants,” thus ignoring their lawbreaking while suggesting that there is no difference between them and people who come here legally. Then there’s the claim that enforcing laws against illegal immigration is somehow “discriminatory.”

What the Sun Times editors are doing here is a common tactic of illegal alien advocates, namely trying to link the word “discrimination” to immigration law enforcement, and thereby use the association of that word with the laws that once applied against black Americans. This comparison is absurd because it equates citizens and noncitizens. Citizens have rights that noncitizens don’t have. And specifically, noncitizens have no right to live here illegally. If American citizenship has any significance, this is proper discrimination. When illegal alien advocates suggest otherwise, they are suggesting that our citizenship is insignificant—which certainly implies that our country is too.

Further indicative of this mentality is the Sun Times’ reference to illegal aliens as “law-abiding immigrants.” Clearly the implication is that the immigration laws that illegal aliens break aren’t even worthy of acknowledgement. Once again the underlying assumption is that there’s no real distinction between Americans and foreigners. But even if one believes that immigration laws don’t matter, they are not the only statutes that illegal aliens break. To remain in the U.S., they commonly break a number of other laws.

Those with jobs are breaking employment law and they usually do by using false identities—another legal violation. Sometimes those identities are stolen from Americans, which causes distress for those citizens. About half of employed illegal aliens are paid under the table, which means they are practicing tax evasion. And those who do pay, in more than a few instances, claim fraudulent deductions.

It’s is so unfortunate that the Sun Times and other elite media outlets twist words and truth. But that’s what our leading propagandists do.


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