Radicals Promote Poverty to Serve Their Agenda

“A full-page advertisement appeared in yesterday’s edition of Roll Call, condemning anti-immigrant organizations that have persistently attempted to divide communities of color.” – article on website of Imagine 2050 by editors of that website running on 3/11/14

Fact Check: This quote is from an article now posted on the radical left-wing  website Imagine 2050. It refers to an ad placed last summer in the Capitol Hill publication Roll Call, entitled Do Nativists Care About African American Workers? “Nativist” is a smear word radicals use to describe citizens who believe in securing our borders and reducing the current record level of legal immigration to a more moderate level. The gist of the ad is that “nativists” are dishonest when they point out the negative impact of mass immigration, legal and illegal, on black Americans.

But nothing could be more true. The groundbreaking National Research Council study of the costs and benefits of immigration, done in 1997, found that immigration tends to transfer wealth from poor Americans (a disproportionate number of whom are black) to the wealthier classes. Those classes benefit from immigrants’ cheap labor, while the influx of that labor depresses the wages of poor Americans.

To point this out, says Imagine, is to “divide communities of color.” Actually, it doesn’t divide poor black citizens from poor Hispanic citizens because mass immigration harms the economic interests of both. No doubt it does divide the interests of native communities of color and foreigners, but if one accepts the validity of nationality such a division is proper.

But to left-wing radicals it isn’t valid. Indeed, they abhor national loyalty in general and loyalty to America in particular. As author William Hawkins documents in his book Importing Revolution, the radical left sees immigration as a means to destabilize American society, specifically by creating an impoverished and alienated underclass to use as a weapon for its revolutionary agenda.

The Roll Call ad states its opposition to “white nationalism,” ignoring the reality that such a movement barely exists in America and only does so on the fringes of society. At the same time, the radicals have no problem embracing prominent activists and organizations which promote Hispanic ethnic interests above any other consideration.

One example is such an activist is Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), the most outspoken advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens in the House. Gutierrez once stated, “I have only one loyalty, and that is to the immigrant community.” Such organizations include the well-connected and well-funded National Council of La Raza (The Race). It consistently promotes rights and benefits for illegal aliens while working against any effective steps to stop illegal immigration.

The radicals and the raza supremacists claim to care about the poor, but their promotion of mass immigration only serves to increase poverty. That indeed is their real objective. More poverty aids their quest for power.


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