Diversity Is a Burden, Not a Benefit

Some more misinformation and falsehoods from a mass immigration advocate:

“White men have had a great run . . . [R]epression of women’s rights is coming to an end. . . . [B]y 2050 white men will be checking the “other” box on census forms. . . . Of course, human mobility is not something to be fought, but rather something to be embraced. While belonging to a community is wired into our DNA . . . the story of civilization and progress has been one of blending and reblending those units. . . . What we need instead are those who will stand up and say, ‘No. You have it wrong. Diversity is not the threat. It is the answer.’ That is, in fact, what has made America and every diverse society great. To be sure, we should not—not for one minute—lament the passing of the white male era.” – The End of an Era . . . for White Males, foreignpolicy.com, David Rothkopf, 1/25/16

Fact Check: Immigration advocates portray themselves as kind and compassionate people. But sometimes the mask slips. Truly Rothkopf drips venom toward “white males.” Their hoped for demise significantly seems to animate his adulation of “diversity.”

The justifications he offers for it don’t carry much weight. How is diversity making us great when it is undermining our civic culture and unity? An extensive study by Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam found that places with the most diversity are precisely where we have the greatest alienation and lack of civic culture. If diversity is so wonderful, then why do native-born Americans tend to move away from it? California has seen a mass exodus of natives as it has become the state with both the greatest number and percentage of immigrants.

Today, according to a recent poll, a majority of Americans feel like strangers in their own country. Is this a sign of something that is making us “great?” Rothkopf is right that people want to have a sense of community. But contrary to his claim, they have every ethical and moral right to defend their heritage and social ties against imposition of “diversity.” In a free country they have the democratic right to decide what kind of society they want to have.

Rothkopf and others like him would have us believe that diversity is always “enriching,” a term they never really define. But just how are we supposed to be improved by massive numbers of Third World peoples who are bringing with them the failed cultures that made their homelands unpleasant places to live? Interestingly, Rothkopf hails the cause of women’s rights. Yet as migrants now pour into Europe many European women are learning, sometimes quite unpleasantly so, that these heralds of diversity have a rather low regard for the female gender. It’s their culture.

And quite often, in both the United States and Europe, they bring authoritarian mindsets not congenial to the give-and-take required in free societies. In any case, diversity—as it increases—brings division, and division makes it difficult for people to cooperate. As consensus breaks down, government will have to step in to hold society together. With government growing stronger in this fashion, freedom is likely to contract.

Does this prospect bother mass immigration advocates? It doesn’t seem so. Typically they come across as economic and political elitists who prefer top-down control. Representative government—a creation of much-maligned white males—is not highly-esteemed by these elites who distain the huddled masses of natives who don’t want their homelands turned into multicultural babels.

Immigration elitists accuse opponents of racism, while directing racial malice toward “white males.” They preach tolerance while mocking the heartfelt concerns of fellow citizens. Their agenda of “diversity” is a threat to social order and freedom. It is not the answer to any reasonable question.


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